Weekly Message for the Week of February 10th

Dear Tiffany Families,

I hope this message finds you well.  We are into the month of February already and we have so much going on here at Tiffany!  Be sure to keep up to date by reading our weekly messages.

Here is the information for the week:

Reminder – No School Friday, February 14th and Monday, February 17th

Our school will be closed in observance of Presidents Day on Friday, February 14th and Monday, February 17th.  Thursday, February 13th and Tuesday, February 18th will be a REGULAR Schedule.

School Site Council Meeting on February 11th at 3:30pm

Our next SSC Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 11th at 3:30pm.  Below is the agenda as well as the minutes from the previous meeting.

TIFFANY SSC Agenda Feb 11 2025

TIFFANY SSC Minutes Jan 21 2025 – Final

Dual Language Immersion Information Meeting for New TK and K 2025/26

Spring Photos at Tiffany on Wednesday, February 12th

Hager Photography will be on campus on Wed Feb 12th to take Student Spring pictures and no payment is needed in advance.  A link to view and option to purchase the photos will be sent home with students on the 12th.  If your student is absent, there will not be a makeup day.

New Student Registration for 2025/26 Opens on Wednesday, February 12th

The Chula Vista Elementary School District’s (CVESD) online enrollment for the 2025-26 school year opens on February 12, 2025, at 9 a.m.

To register for transitional kindergarten, your child’s birthdate must be between 09/02/20 through 09/01/2021. To register for kindergarten, your child’s birthday must be between 09/02/19 through 09/01/20.

New this year:

The Student Placement Department will now manage zone transfers. Priority will be given to students residing within designated attendance areas, with additional consideration given to factors such as classroom capacity, attendance records, and behavior history. Due to continued growth, no new transfers will be approved for eastern schools. No action is needed if your child stays at their neighborhood school.

For more information regarding enrollment requirements please visit cvesd.org/enrollnow.

CVESD is California’s largest TK-6 district, offering dual language programs, visual and performing arts, preschool programs, special education services, before and after-school programs, and so much more!

Join the PTA Executive Board for 2025/26!

Click HERE to nominate someone or yourself for our PTA Executive Board!  


ELPAC is Here!

Chula Vista Elementary School District (CVESD) students are gearing up for the annual English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC). ELPAC is a required state test for English language proficiency (ELP) given to students whose primary language is one other than English. The test is administered to students in kindergarten through twelfth grade.

ELPAC will be administered to CVESD students starting February 3rd, 2025. As testing begins, we encourage families to prepare their children for the testing period by supporting them in the following ways:

  • Ensure your child attends school and arrives on time.
  • Make sure your child gets to bed early and gets a good night’s sleep.
  • Feed your child a healthy breakfast before dropping them off at school.
  • Encourage your child to do their best and remind them that their test performance does not solely determine their academic progress.

Families play a crucial role in supporting each child’s academic journey, which includes being prepared for and completing assessments like ELPAC. By leveraging the insights gained from the test, we can continue to strive towards providing high-quality education for all students and ensuring they are prepared for their current and future endeavors.

You can find more information about testing at our district by clicking here.

Here is the schedule for our students here at Tiffany:

Tiffany is Turning 50!  Join Us to Celebrate!

Local Accountability Control Plan – Your Valuable Input is Needed

Video in ENGLISH

Video en español

Each year, school districts are required to develop and update their Local Control and Accountability Plan, also known as LCAP, which is a three-year plan that outlines the goals, actions, and expenditures aimed at improving student outcomes. The plan is meant to align with several key state priorities, including student achievement, school climate, parent involvement, and conditions for learning.

The Chula Vista Elementary School District (CVESD) is committed to ensuring that the district meets all students’ needs and is accountable to the communities they serve. As part of the district’s LCAP process, the district will be hosting in-person informational sessions. Each session will offer an overview of the LCAP and allow you to share your insights through our community survey. Sessions will be offered in English and Spanish, and interpretation will be available. If you need interpretation for a language other than Spanish, please click the link here at least two weeks before the scheduled session date.

Informational Session Details:

  • February 13 (Spanish) at the district office – 4-5 p.m.
  • February 19 (English) at Chula Vista Hills – 8-9 a.m.
  • March 3 (English) at the district office – 9-10 a.m.
  • March 12 (English) at Enrique S. Camarena – 6-7 p.m.
  • March 19 (Spanish) at the district office – Noon-1 p.m.

If you cannot attend in person, you are welcome to complete the community survey online via the following links:
LCAP Survey (English)
LCAP Survey (Spanish)

For more information, please visit our LCAP district page or reach out to Dr. Sutton.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Parking Lot Safety Reminders

While we have seen improvement in our parking lot, we continue to have drivers parking the wrong way, double parking, blocking cars, etc.  CVPD will continue to make random visits to help enforce the rules in our parking lot.  Together, we can do this!

In case you missed that post from January 16th, please take a moment to read over it by clicking HERE.  If we all work together to follow the expectations, we will create a safer environment for our students and families in the parking lot.  Thank you for your support.

CVESD University for Families – Next Sessions 

A new initiative at the Chula Vista Elementary School District, CVESD University is a series of workshops, events, and engagement opportunities designed for families. As part of the program, parents/guardians will receive a Parent Passport and will earn special recognition for their attendance in eight or more district-level events throughout the 2024-25 school year. All workshops will take place at the district office located at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista. Light refreshments will be provided.

Workshop: Ask Away

When: Tuesday, February 18, 2025, from 4-5 p.m.

Where: District offices at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista

What: Families will learn tips and tricks for preparing for parent-teacher conferences.

Workshop: Conversations that Count

When: Tuesday, March 4 2025, from 4-5 p.m.

Where: District offices at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista

What: Families will learn all about emergency preparedness and safety.

Here’s to a great week!

Take Care,
Dr. Sutton

Weekly Message for the Week of February 3rd

Dear Tiffany Families,

I hope this message finds you well.  Last week was another exciting week at Tiffany – 100th day of school, Great Kindness Challenge Spirit Week, Luna New Year, the Speech Competition and having to close school due to a power outage!  Our school is such an incredible place and I am grateful to all of our students, families and staff.  Thank you for allowing me to be on this adventure with all of you!  February is upon us and it is a big month for our school. Our school is officially turning 50 on February 8th!!!  We are exciting for all that is to come this month!

Here is the information for the week:

Tiffany is Turning 50!  Join Us to Celebrate!

Principal Coffee Chat – Thursday, February 6th at 9am in MPR

At this meeting, I will be sharing information about CVESD’s Local Accountability Plan and how your input is needed so that our district can be informed of how we can best support our students here at Tiffany!  Please come join us!

Parking Lot Safety Reminders

Last week, our CVPD came again and ticketed cars in our parking lot and neighborhood.  They will continue to make random visits to help enforce the rules in our parking lot.  We have seen improvements in our parking lot over the last two weeks – let’s keep up the great work!

In case you missed that post from January 16th, please take a moment to read over it by clicking HERE.  If we all work together to follow the expectations, we will create a safer environment for our students and families in the parking lot.  Thank you for your support.

CVESD University for Families – Next Sessions 

A new initiative at the Chula Vista Elementary School District, CVESD University is a series of workshops, events, and engagement opportunities designed for families. As part of the program, parents/guardians will receive a Parent Passport and will earn special recognition for their attendance in eight or more district-level events throughout the 2024-25 school year. All workshops will take place at the district office located at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista. Light refreshments will be provided.

Workshop: Ask Away

When: Tuesday, February 18, 2025, from 4-5 p.m.

Where: District offices at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista

What: Families will learn tips and tricks for preparing for parent-teacher conferences.

Workshop: Conversations that Count

When: Tuesday, March 4 2025, from 4-5 p.m.

Where: District offices at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista

What: Families will learn all about emergency preparedness and safety.


Here’s to a great week!
Take Care,
Dr. Sutton

Weekly Message for the Week of January 27th

Dear Tiffany Families,

I hope this message finds you well.  I know we are enjoying the light rain that has come and hopefully it continues, as our area desperately needs the rain.  I posted on Dojo Friday afternoon, but I wanted to let all of our families who are not on Dojo how proud I am of our students and our staff. It was very calm on our campus on Friday and everyone had a great day! Staff from neighboring schools that were closed also came over to support our school.

Here is the information for the week:

Great Kindness Challenge Spirit Week

Winter Wonderland Video

Thank you again to our PTA for this amazing event and shout out to one of our amazing parents, Mrs. Leilani Sanchez, for this awesome video!

Parking Lot Safety Reminders

Last week, our CVPD came and ticketed several cars in our parking lot and neighborhood.  They will continue to make random visits to help enforce the rules in our parking lot.  In case you missed that post from January 16th, please take a moment to read over it by clicking HERE.  If we all work together to follow the expectations, we will create a safer environment for our students and families in the parking lot.  Thank you for your support.

ELAC Meeting on January 29th

TK/K Town Hall Virtual Meeting and Registration Information for 2025/26 School Year

CVESD University for Families – Next Sessions 

A new initiative at the Chula Vista Elementary School District, CVESD University is a series of workshops, events, and engagement opportunities designed for families. As part of the program, parents/guardians will receive a Parent Passport and will earn special recognition for their attendance in eight or more district-level events throughout the 2024-25 school year. All workshops will take place at the district office located at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista. Light refreshments will be provided.

Workshop: Ask Away

When: Tuesday, February 18, 2025, from 4-5 p.m.

Where: District offices at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista

What: Families will learn tips and tricks for preparing for parent-teacher conferences.

Workshop: Conversations that Count

When: Tuesday, March 4 2025, from 4-5 p.m.

Where: District offices at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista

What: Families will learn all about emergency preparedness and safety.

Tiffany is Turning 50!  Save the Date!

Here’s to a great week!
Take Care,
Dr. Sutton

Tiffany is OPEN Today

Dear Tiffany Families,

Our campus is OPEN today.  Student will be indoors for all activities (breakfast, recess, lunch).  Please be advised that our office is receiving many phone calls, so it may be difficult to get through.  We will keep you updated of any changes.

Take Care,

Dr. Sutton


Queridas familias Tiffany:

Nuestro campus está ABIERTO hoy. Los estudiantes estarán en el interior para todas las actividades (desayuno, recreo, almuerzo). Tenga en cuenta que nuestra oficina está recibiendo muchas llamadas telefónicas, por lo que puede ser difícil comunicarse. Lo mantendremos informado de cualquier cambio.


Dra. Sutton

Weekly Message for the Week of January 20th

Dear Tiffany Families,

I hope this email finds you well.  What an incredible first week back!!  It was so amazing to have all of our families and staff back on campus to kick off the second half of the school year.  We ended the week with the PTA Winter Wonderland on Friday – it was an absolute joy to watch all of the students playing in the snow while their families watched.  A HUGE THANK YOU to our PTA and all of the volunteers who made that event happen!  It was something new we have never done before and it was amazing!

Just a reminder that our school will be closed tomorrow, January 20th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  School will resume with a normal schedule on Tuesday, January 21st.

Here is the information for the week:

Schedule for the Week

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday:

  • Grade TK and K:  8:45 AM – 2:55 PM
  • Grade 1-6: 8:45 AM-3:15 PM
  • Preschool AM: 8:45 AM – 11:45 AM 
  • Preschool PM: 12:45 PM – 3:45 PM 

Friday’s Schedule:

  • Grade TK and K:  8:45 AM – 1:40 PM
  • Grade 1-6: 8:45 AM-1:55 PM
  • No Preschool on Fridays

School Site Council – Tuesday, January 21st at 3:30pm

Our next SSC meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 21st at 3:30pm both online and in person (Room 401).  Below is the agenda as well as the minutes from the previous meeting:

TIFFANY SSC Agenda Jan 21 2025


Parking Lot Safety Reminders

On Thursday early afternoon, I posted about parking lot concerns and how we can address them together.  In case you missed that post, please take a moment to read over it by clicking HERE.  If we all work together to follow the expectations, we will create a safer environment for our students and families in the parking lot.  Thank you for your support.

TK/K Town Hall Virtual Meeting and Registration Information for 2025/26 School Year

CVESD University for Families – Next Sessions 

A new initiative at the Chula Vista Elementary School District, CVESD University is a series of workshops, events, and engagement opportunities designed for families. As part of the program, parents/guardians will receive a Parent Passport and will earn special recognition for their attendance in eight or more district-level events throughout the 2024-25 school year. All workshops will take place at the district office located at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista. Light refreshments will be provided.

Workshop: Ask Away

When: Tuesday, February 18, 2025, from 4-5 p.m.

Where: District offices at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista

What: Families will learn tips and tricks for preparing for parent-teacher conferences.

Workshop: Conversations that Count

When: Tuesday, March 4 2025, from 4-5 p.m.

Where: District offices at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista

What: Families will learn all about emergency preparedness and safety.

Tiffany is Turning 50!  Save the Date!

Here’s to a great week!
Take Care,
Dr. Sutton

Parking Lot Safety – Please Read

Dear Tiffany Families,

Yesterday, we had a serious issue in our parking lot at dismissal that prevented our bus from parking.  Cars were parked in the bus loading zone – this caused our bus to block traffic from exiting the parking lot, thus no cars could get in either.  As you can imagine, it created gridlock and it took more than 10 minutes to find the owners and create a traffic flow again.  Had there also been an emergency on campus at dismissal, which has happened, emergency crews would have been unable to access our school.  This cannot happen.  I am asking for everyone’s help to spread this message – we need to follow the rules of the parking lot for the safety of our students.  If you have extended family or friends who pick up your child, please share these rules with them.  We need everyone’s help.

Red Curb/Fire Lanes

We completely understand that typically a RED FIRE LANE would be completely free of traffic.  We are a school and students need to get in and out of cars.  Please pull up to the curb along the front of the school, let your student out on the right side and then pull away.  If there is heavy traffic, please stay in your vehicle.

If you have a Preschool, TK or K student that needs to be dropped off, please find a parking space in our lot or on the street.  1st – 6th Grade students can be dropped off at the curb and walk onto campus on their own.  If you are joining them, please find a space to park and walk onto campus.

Vehicles that are left unattended on Red Curbs can be ticketed by CVPD.  No one should be stopped on RED CURBS in the parking lot itself.  Please find a spot and park.  The street is also an option.

Handicap Parking

We continue to have issues with cars parked illegally in Handicap spaces/loading areas.  Marked handicap stalls are reserved for individuals with handicap placards.  Please do not park in the loading zones.  They are not parking spaces.

Bus Loading Zone

We also need your help with parking in the bus loading zone. Many of our families are parking here, especially during pick up. It is blocking each bus from being able to park, creating a safety hazard for students. There are signs posted showing that it is a bus loading zone from 7am-4pm.  I have added additional yellow signs to help remind our families.

One Way Traffic

Exit Parking Lot – Right Turn Only

Use Crosswalks – Please Do Not Block

Staff Parking Only

Come Early for Breakfast and Track!  

Please remember that our gates open for breakfast and morning track at 8:10am.  Our parking lot is EMPTY at that time.  1st – 6th grade students can be dropped off at that time and our PreK, TK and K families are welcome to take advantage of this time as well.  Our younger students (PreK, TK, and K) need to be with an adult, however, they can walk the track and partake in breakfast too!

If we all work together, leave a little extra time and find appropriate parking, it will make our lot and neighborhood safer for everyone, especially our students.  Thank you!

Take Care,
Dr. Sutton

Weekly Message for the Week of January 13th – Welcome Back!

Dear Tiffany Families,

Happy 2025!  I hope this message finds you all well and that our families have had a great three week vacation.  We are so excited to welcome our students back to school on Tuesday, January 14th and it will be a Minimum Day for our TK-6th Grade Students.

Here is the information for the week:

Schedule for the First Week Back

Tuesday Schedule (1/14/25):

  • Grade TK and K:  8:45 AM – 1:40 PM
  • Grade 1-6: 8:45 AM-1:55 PM
  • Preschool AM: 8:45 AM – 11:45 AM 
  • Preschool PM: 12:45 PM – 3:45 PM 

Wednesday and Thursday Schedule (1/15/25, 1/16/25):

  • Grade TK and K:  8:45 AM – 2:55 PM
  • Grade 1-6: 8:45 AM-3:10PM
  • Preschool AM: 8:45 AM – 11:45 AM 
  • Preschool PM: 12:45 PM – 3:45 PM 

Friday’s Schedule (1/17/25):

  • Grade TK and K:  8:45 AM – 1:40 PM
  • Grade 1-6: 8:45 AM-1:55 PM
  • No Preschool on Fridays

PTA Winter Wonderland Event on Friday, January 17th from 4-6pm

CVESD University for Families – Next Sessions 

A new initiative at the Chula Vista Elementary School District, CVESD University is a series of workshops, events, and engagement opportunities designed for families. As part of the program, parents/guardians will receive a Parent Passport and will earn special recognition for their attendance in eight or more district-level events throughout the 2024-25 school year. All workshops will take place at the district office located at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista. Light refreshments will be provided.

Workshop: Home is Where the Start is

When: Wednesday, January 15, 2025, from 8:45-9:45 a.m.

Where: District offices at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista

What: Families will receive support for children who are bilingual.

Workshop: Ask Away

When: Tuesday, February 18, 2025, from 4-5 p.m.

Where: District offices at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista

What: Families will learn tips and tricks for preparing for parent-teacher conferences.

Workshop: Conversations that Count

When: Tuesday, March 4 2025, from 4-5 p.m.

Where: District offices at 84 East J Street in Chula Vista

What: Families will learn all about emergency preparedness and safety.

School Site Council – Tuesday, January 21st at 3:30pm

Our next SSC meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 21st at 3:30pm both online and in person (Room 401).  Below is the agenda as well as the minutes from the previous meeting:

TIFFANY SSC Agenda Jan 21 2025


Tiffany is Turning 50!  Save the Date!

Reminder – Traffic Safety – We Need Everyone’s Help

We continue to have issues around cars being parked and left unattended in the Red Fire Lanes and cars parked illegally in Handicap spaces/loading areas.  CVPD ticketed cars this past week who were violating these laws and will continue to do so.  We understand that students need to be dropped off on the Red curb, but the student should exit and the car should continue on their way to exit the parking lot.  Leaving cars unattended to drop off your children poses a safety hazard, as vehicles cannot safely enter or exit the parking lot.

Please remember that our gates open for breakfast and morning track at 8:10am.  Our parking lot is EMPTY at that time.  1st – 6th grade students can be dropped off at that time and our PreK, TK and K families are welcome to take advantage of this time as well.  Our younger students (PreK, TK, and K) need to be with an adult, however, they can walk the track and partake in breakfast too!

We also have had several cars drive the wrong way into the backside of the parking lot as well as try to exit through the entrance.  Please make sure to follow the traffic patterns so that everyone, including our students, are safe.  Here are some friendly reminders for our parking lot:

  • Park cars in marked stalls or on the street
    • Cars should not be left double parked and blocking cars parked in spaces
    • Cars are not to be parked in handicap loading areas
    • Cars without handicap placards are not allowed to park in handicap spaces
  • Permits are required to park on the street West of campus
  • No parking on RED curbs
    • Do not leave your car unattended at red curbs.
  • Use crosswalks
  • Follow the traffic patterns within the parking lot
  • Allow time for drop off and pick up
    • Gates open at 8:10 for breakfast and track.  The lot is empty at that time!
  • Keep traffic moving

We also need your help with parking in the bus loading zone. Many of our families are parking here, especially during pick up. It is blocking each bus from being able to park, creating a safety hazard for students. There are signs posted showing that it is a bus loading zone from 7am-4pm.

If we all work together, leave a little extra time and find appropriate parking, it will make our lot and neighborhood safer for everyone, especially our students.  Thank you!

Looking Ahead:

No School in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. – Monday, January 20th
Here’s to a great week!
Take Care,
Dr. Sutton

Weekly Message – Winter Break Edition!

Dear Tiffany Families,
We have officially completed the first half of the 2024-25 School Year!  Thank you to all of our families for your continued support and for sharing your children with us everyday!  Here are a few reminders as we enter our Winter Break:

Winter Break – Monday, December 23rd through Friday, January 10th – Students Return Tuesday, January 14th

Our school office is closed and will reopen on Monday, January 13th at 8:00am.  The first day back for Quarter 3 is Tuesday, January 14th and will be a Minimum Day for TK-6th Grade Students.  Preschool will follow their regular schedule.  To view the CVESD School Calendar CLICK HERE.
  • Below are a few helpful links to support our families with questions while the office is closed if you are registering a new student:
    • If you are enrolling a new student* – please visit the District’s website: https://enrollnow.cvesd.org/.
    • You will need your child’s unique Snapcode to access their online record – the email can often go to your SPAM folder if it is not received in your main inbox. 
    • New student registrations that are submitted while the office is closed will be processed when the office reopens on January 13th

Quarter 3 LEAD Club Information

We are pleased to announce that the LEAD Clubs for Quarter 3 are now available for registration!  Please use the link below to sign up your child/children if you are interested.  The form, once completed, will automatically place you on a waiting list.  Priority is given to students who are unduplicated (free/reduce lunch, foster youth and unhoused).


Once you have registered, your child’s placement in the club will be confirmed with an email that says “congratulations.”  At that point, your child is welcome to attend.  You will receive an email for each individual club that you register for.

LEAD Clubs will begin Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our LEAD Site Lead, Yvonne Baptista at yvonne.baptista@cvesd.org.  She will return all messages when she returns on January 13, 2025

LEAD Activities Survey for Quarter 2

Did your child/children participate in LEAD during Quarter 2?  We want to hear from you!  Feedback is so incredibly important for us to continue to improve our LEAD Program for our students.  Please take a moment to fill out this survey – your voice matters!
As I close out the final Weekly Message of 2024, I want to everyone for your ongoing love and support.  I feel so lucky to be part of this school community – we are truly a family.  Happy Holidays to those who celebrate and have a wonderful Winter Break to all!  We will see you all in 2025!
Take Care,

Dr. Sutton