This Week at Tiffany

Fall Carnival

A huge thank you to our PTA for an amazing Fall Carnival.  This event would not have been possible without the careful planning and hard work of our parent volunteers who do so much for our school.  Thank you!

School Garden

Our school garden is slowly being brought back to life.  Mr. Baker has been volunteering his time and energy to clearing the weeds and thorns so in preparation for our Garden Work Party on Friday, November 9th from 2:00-5:00.  During the Fall Carnival, a flyer with the incorrect date was being passed out by students.  Please note the correct date and time.

Thank you to Mayra Swanson and the Kiwanis Club for the $500 donation to our garden.  Metal troughs will be purchased to replaced the raised beds in the kinder area along with soil to rebuild the beds in the main garden.  The goal is to have the garden ready for planting by the end of the quarter.  With your help on Friday, November 9th, we will reach our goal.  More information to come on our Garden Work Party and how you can help support our garden.

Safe Routes to School

We have started our work with the San Diego Bike Coalition and the Safe Routs to School program. The goal is to ensure that students and families have a safe rout to school and to encourage students to bike and walk to school.  This comprehensive program is part of the grant that will lead to us having a bike rack installed at Tiffany.  Representatives from the Bike Coalition discussed the program in detail at our Multicultural Family Association meeting last week.  Students also attended an assembly on bike and pedestrian safety.

We are asking that you please provide input by taking this survey:

Bike Rodeo

As part of our Safe Routes to School program, Tiffany will be hosting a Bike Rodeo after school on November 2nd from 2:00-4:00 where students will learn and practice safe riding techniques.  Students are encouraged to bring their bikes and helmets to school for the Bike Rodeo.  We will have a designated area outside of the YMCA room to store the bikes during the school day.  Only students with signed permission slips will be allowed to participate.  Permission slips will be sent home this week.

Costume Parade

Students should arrive in costume, on time for school starting at 8:45am.

  • Parents and community members are invited to watch the parade!
  • Spectators please stand on the grass, away from the track.
  • The parade will circulate counterclockwise around the school track
  • Younger siblings are welcome to participate.

 Parade Costume Rules

  • Students should wear their regular school clothes underneath costume.
  • Students will change out of their costumes after the parade.
  • Students should bring a bag to place the costume in after the parade.
  • All costumes should be designed for safe mobility.
  • No costumes with violent themes are allowed, no weapons and no gory themes.
  • No costumes that represent modern horror films.
  • Costumes should be cute, funny or mildly scary.
  • If you are not sure, ask your child’s teacher for advice.

Students who do not wish to be in or view the parade will have an alternate activity.  No costumes should be worn on Halloween.

Monday 10/22

  • Red Ribbon Week Begins

Tuesday 10/23

  • Red Ribbon Week Assembly (9:05 primary, 9:35 upper)

Wednesday 10/24

Thursday 10/25

Friday 10/26

  • Costume Parade (9:00-9:30)


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